Argyres, Daniel
Donating in honor of Daniel’s birthday because of the love that he has for the Stars and Stripes Honor Flight.
This wonderful organization made it possible for his father,Doug Losey who served in the Navy and veteran from the Vietnam War, to be able to take this flight together a few years ago.
They had an amazing day together and now a memory for a lifetime.
Cathy, (Mom F.)
Armbruster, John
In memory of John and the impact he had on our Cedarburg community. He will be missed by all.
Bob and Terry Crevensten
Baker, Wilbur Paul
May this contribution assist another deserving Veteran the opportunity to experience Washington D.C. and the memorials in their honor. Rest in peace, Paul. Condolences to the Baker family.
Mike and Nancy Gray
Baranzyk, Tim
To a gentleman who served his country with honor and worked tirelessly to promote veterans in his community! A hero in my book!! God Bless you Sir!
Alan and Elsa Smet
Baxter, Carwin
Veteran celebrating his 100th birthday!
The Irvine Family
Bernet, Herbert
Thank you for your service, Mr. Bernet. Rest in peace.
Ann Brice and Bill Haviland
In loving memory of Herb who was proud of his military service and enjoyed going to his military reunions and his honor flight
Bob and Marie the Eisbrenner, Kaminski and Wendorf families
Bolick, Richard
Rich, we are so proud of you!
Your loving family
Rich, we are so proud of your service to this country
Your living family
Braaten, Brian
In memory of Brian, brother of our dear friends Terry and Dawn
Dick and Judy Lark
This is in memory of Brian Braaten. May he rest in peace.
David and Lucy Jenson
This donation is in memory of Brian Braaten. May he rest in peace.
David and Lucy Jenson
Per Brian’s wishes the family is making a donation to the Wi Honor Flight in his memory.
Tom/Laurie Heeren,Mike Shier/Beth Balboa, Dave/Janelle Kroupa, Jeff/Jill banks
In memory of Brian Braaten
Wolter, Inc.
Braaten, Brian K.
Honoring the life of Brian Braaten by honoring his wish to support the lives of others.
Kevin & Audra Thompson
Bruggink, Neil
In memory of Neil Bruggink. May he rest in peace.
Carol Pomeday
Buchel, Joe
Love you Joe. Irie mon!
Craig and Laura Miller
In memory of Vietnam Veteran Terry Burns of Fond du Lac.
Chickens 4 Charity
Chrostowski, Jan
Happy 70th Birthday
Jeff, Donna and Carla
Cigale, Leo
Thanking him for his service to his country and WI Job’s Daughters.
Dave and Cretia Heinz
In memory of a great man.
The Hassi Family
In memory of Leo Cigale (April 21, 1933 - October 14, 2024)
Endpoint Solutions
In memory of Leo Cigale (April 21, 1933-October 14, 2024)
Wade & Katie Wollermann
Conran, Tom
We miss you grandpa!
Cottrell, Jeffrey
Thank you for taking me on your Honor Flight last year. What a unique and incredible experience! Thank you for your service and Happy Veteran’s Day.
Love, Benjamin
Curty, Angelo D.
Thank you for your service to our country. May you rest in peace.
Extended family
Daily, Gordon
In honor of Gordon Daily, who was able to take the trip back on June 8, 2013. He passed away February 22, 2024 at the age of 103.
Your loving family
Dehmel, Liz
We are so proud of you.
Melissa, Rhyan and Weston
Diehl, Charles
I am grateful for all that my Son in Law does to protect our country and those of our friends. Charles and my Daughter Kerry and their family make huge sacrifices to accomplish this and honor our country. With lots of love, Mom
Duffy, Richard
In loving memory of Richard A. Duffy.
Friends & Family
Eberhardy, Richard
Dear Dad,
I honor and thank you this day for your service to our country and our family. You’re an amazing role model! Happy Veteran’s Day.
Love you!
Kathie Brandt
Elsinger, Anthony
To honor Tony for his many years of service.
Elsinger, Anthony L.
In honor of Anthony L. Elsinger, Sr.
Elizabeth Wagner
Exner, Albert
Thank you for serving our country during WW II and for educating school children.
Please acknowledge to:
Norma Exner
1133 Downing Dr.
Waukesha, WI 53186
Rob and Ann Thomas
Exner II, Albert Charles
We are honoring Al’s service to his country during WWII. In addition we honor his contributions to his community, his state and many charitable organizations which made differences in people’s lives.
Jeff and Katie Kara
Fabio, Frank
Thanks for your service, dad!!
Chris Fabio
Fenske, Ronald
In honor of all who have served our country and kept us safe! God Bless you all!
The Rosencrans Famil
Fickau, Arnie
Thank you for your service. So glad you were able to go to Washington D.C. on an Honor Flight. Really hope you enjoyed your day! Love, Sheri
Your daughter Sheri
Fridl, Jim and Theresa
Veteran’s Day Tribute
Bob and Therese
Fura, Franklin
In memory of Franklin John Fura who served in the United States Coast Guard.
Tom & Jill Kramer
Garrity, Bob
Donation in memory of Bob Garrity.
Dave & Jill T
Geboy, Gerald
In memory of our deceased lion Jerry Geboy.
Muskego Lions Charities
Gerzel, John I.
Thank you! You are a wonderful example of an honorable man and Dad. I appreciate you and your service to our country!
Love, Lydia
Gobis, John
From John’s obituary....
In May, 2019 John was a Guardian and Physician on a Stars and Stripes Honor Flight. He
was so thankful to experience the patriotic trip to Washington DC. It was an incredibly moving
and wonderful experience.
Monica, Chad & Elizabeth Schmidt Family
In honor of Dr. Gobis and his family
The Fleming Family (Dizzy Becherer)
Gobis MD, John
In memory of a life well lived.
Beth & Scott Shully
Grobschmidt, Chester
In Honor Of Chester W. Grobschmidt
Richard and Donna Schmidt
Groth, John
John served 4 years in the United States Air Force during the Korean War. He is scheduled to take part in the Honor Flight to Washington D.C. on September 7th, 2024.
RuthAnn & Tony Ahnen
Haeuser, Willard
Thank you for your service and your friendship throughout the years. You are missed
The Schmitgen/Goldammer Family
Hagen, Grant
Thanks to Granta Claus for another great year. With love...
Clara, Leo, Cora and Eva
Hamilton, Jack
In loving memory of John "Jack" Patrick Hamilton who passed away on January 20, 2025. Jack served with the U.S. Marine Corps at the Battle of the Chosin Reservoir in North Korea in 1950 and was honored to participate in Wisconsin’s Stars and Stripes Honor Flight to Washington, D.C. in April 2019.
Mark and Mary
Hamilton, John “Jack”
Our donation is in honor of John “Jack” Hamilton. Thank you for your service to the United States of America and your love of family.
Spalding Design Group
Hayes, Thomas
In memory of my late father whom I had the honor of being his guardian on the flight that left Milwaukee October 15, 2016. He talked about his experience until the day he died. Thank you for bringing him so much joy!
Elizabeth Hayes-Kotecki
Hegarty, Joe
In honor of Joe Hegarty
Elizabeth Harvey
Hein, Eileen
Eileen, a strong believer in paying honor to the finest military, advocating for the Stars and Stripes program by volunteering & at times accompany
vets to the DC memorials to experience the pride. Thank you Eileen! We love you!
Bernie & Charlie Verhoeven
Thank you for your volunteer work with Stars and Stripes Honor Flight in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin.
Hinz, Ronald
In Memory of Ronald Hinz. Ronald Hinz (Navy Veteran) was escorted by his daughter, Ann Hamaker (Army Veteran), were thrilled to be members of the Stars and Stripes Honor Flight on May 16, 2015. The experience was one of the most memorable moments that they shared together. Ronald Hinz passed away on November 24, 2023.
The Ronald Hinz Family and Friends
Hogan, Molly
For her contining commitment to our veterans and their families!
Mark & Janet Hogan
Holzer, Lynn
In Loving Memory
Debbie Luisier
Blessings to Lynn’s Family. Lynn Mary Holzer, a lifelong resident of Grafton, peacefully passed away in the evening hours of Sunday, February 2, 2025, She was 78 years old.
Fritz & Maureen Reich
Holzer, Lynn Mary
In loving memory of a loving woman.
Lisa&George Tuszkiewicz
Jacyna, John
John, a participant of the honor flight and Vietnam Veteran.
Your Loving Daughter
Johnson, Maurice O’Shea
Honoring the service of Maurice O’Shea Johnson, per the request of the Johnson family in memoriam.
Melissa Spittel
In memorial of a proud United States Marine, Maurice Johnson who recently passed away on January 27, 2025. Thank you for your service.
Jim and Ellin Palzewicz
This gift is in memory of Maurice O’Shea Johnson, a Vietnam veteran and member of our church family.
Redeemer Evangelical Free Church
Jones, Lee
In memory of Lee Jones of Hartford, WI
Gregg and Jacqui Mohr
In memory of one of the finest men I have ever meet.
Kevin Steele & Family
In memory of Lee Jones.
Mark & Diane Horne
In memory of Lee, an outstanding individual and I was honored to call him friend.
Claudia Kollenbroich
In Memory of Lee Allan Jones
Kevin Johnson and FIS team
Jorgenson, Paul H.
Paul Jorgenson
He joined the Army before graduating from High School.
He proudly served for 3 years, in Vietnam.
He earned the rank Private First Class in the 444th Transportation Company.
Paul passed away on November 19, 2024.
He will be dearly missed by his family and friends.
Most importantly, he was able to take the Honor Flight with his daughter this summer. Thank You for giving our veterans a most memorable trip recognizing their service!!
Your Neighbor in Oconomowoc, WI
Kartheiser, Leo
In loving memory of a wonderful man.
Your loving family and friends
Kiesner, Daniel
Happy Veterans Day Dad!
Thank you so very much for your service, we love you!
Christin and Brent
Christin and Brent
Klinkowitz, Richard
To a wonderful friend.
Kathleen Spindler
Koenig, Daniel
In memory of Danny Koenig, who served in Vietnam and loved his sons’ friends and their families as if they were his own.
The Hicks Family
Kondrad, Joseph
W211N11863 Hilltop Dr #D6
Germantown WI 53022-2303
Joyce Mackovic
Koranda, Charles "Chuck"
In honor of Chuck Koranda, who faithfully served the U.S. Army and WI National Guard. From flying missions in Vietnam to teaching others to fly, he was an outstanding man.
Widdy & Annie Gentil
Lamb, Russ
A life well lived.
Bob Schultz
In honor of a Great Person, Russ Lamb
Brian Kuhn
In loving memory of Russ Lamb.
Carol Kuhn
Lamb, Russell
In memory of Russell Lamb, with gratitude for his honorable service.
Steve and Kara Udicious
In loving memory of a very kind gentleman.
Chris and Stacie Harden
In loving memory.
Caroline Cromby
Lauby, Gerald
Thank you for your continuing service to our country, Dad! As a vet, your activism in making the lives of fellow veterans better is truly admirable.
Leonard, Floyd
Happy Veterans Day!! ❤️??Thank you for your service, Dad!! We had a wonderful Honor Flight honoring your service in the Army in Korea!!
God bless you always!!?❤️
Jane Leonard Soto
Losey, Doug
In loving memory.
Maddox, Gary & Julie
Congratulations on Golden Anniversary
Ron & Elaine Schrader
Mantei, Robert
To a proud Vietnam Era Veteran who we are so very proud of! With love, we thank you for your service.
Patrick and Kristen Grimes
Marshall, Arthur
Memorial for an Air Force Veteran who served with pride 1952-1956
Sue and Curt Niemann
Maves, Dr.Stephanie and Jeff
Stephanie wanted a donation to the Honor Flights made in her and her husband, Jeff’s name, as their Christmas gift from her father and I, this year. Stephaie volunteers as a physician on several of the flights each year and loves and supports the mission of the program.
Dad and Patty
Meeth, Mel
We miss you Mel but you are not forgotten.
Fred and Jan Zweifel
Mekka, Roger
In honor of my favorite Submariner on Veteran’s Day. I am so grateful Stars and Stripes Honor Flight has brought you into my life!
Thank you for your service to our country and your continued work in our community.
Your Guardian Angel, Mary
Miller, Jesse and Randall
I normally give my annual donation in my father’s name. Jesse Miller who had the pleasure of going on the Honor Flight May 16. 2015. He passed away later that year.
I am adding my bother’s name Randall Miller to this tribute this year. Randy was an Air Force Vietnam Veteran who fought serve competition from Agent Orange the last fifteen years. First from cancer, then the lost of eye sight, then the amputation of his left legs and then just recently the amputation of two toes on his right foot. He passed away the day after Thanksgiving this year. He never got the opportunity to go on the Honor Flight because of health issues and the fact he lived in Georgia.
I lost two great Veterans in my life, but continue to support all the Great Veterans in our Country. So please accept my donation this year in my Father’s and Brother’s names. Merry Christmas to all of the people that support and run this Great Organization. Please keep doing what you do for our Veterans.
Michael Miller
Montag, William
In Memory of my loving husband, William Montag who was able to go on the Honor Flight in May accompanied by our daughter Jamie.
Your Loving Family
Napierala Sr, Ronald
In honor of Veteran’s Day. Thank you for your service to our country.
Robert & Claudine Filetti
Naukkari, Kathryn
In memory of our loving Mom, Mother-in-Law, Grandma and Great Grandma Kathryn Naukkari
Your Loving Family And Friends
This is a tribute to Kathryn Mohr Naukkari (died Dec 13, 2024) and to Robert Naukkari (died 2017). A woman with patience and determination and a great smile.
Ellyn Stecker
Naukkari, Kathy
In Memory of my good friend Kathy and her husband Bob Naukkari.
Suzi Wiggins
Nehm, Charles
Thank you!
Odya, Ralph
Thank you very much for your service and all that you have done for our country!
Rochelle, Midchi, & Belle
Olson, Mike
Mike was a loving husband and loving father of Hazel, Ollie and Tilly. His life was all about making others feel important and special. He will forever be missed by all who got the honor of knowing him.
Tami and Garry
Oonk, Ron
In memory of Ron Oonk
The Swihart family
Oonk, Ronald
In memory of a wonderful veteran and beloved community member.
The Dirkse Family
Osell, Doug
In honor of a gentleman whose kindness and generosity knows no bounds.
David G.
In honor of my favorite veteran!
Peterson, Joseph
Thank you for your service, Mr. Peterson. You have your rest in heaven now.
Jeff and Jill Rindt
Polzin, Myron
We miss you Grandpa.
Mandi & Colin
Rabuck, Marge
In loving memory of Marg Rabuck
Rechter, Chris
Chris is a friend of ours, and recently was on an Honor Flight. We would like to make a donation, in his honor, to help other veterans be able to have the opportunity and experience this great honor.
Ken and Monica Muraro
Reitberger, Robert
In honor of your service in the Vietnam War. Thank you.
Your ‘new’ daughter, Terry
Celebrating 90 years Honor, Sacrifice and Patriotism
Salute, Inc
Sagan, John
Happy Birthday, Mr. Sagan. We love you and thank you for your service.
The Nurse Family
Schlecht, Eugene
In Memory of "Geno" to whom this honor flight meant so much. Thank you for your service and also for raising such a wonderful family!
Tim and Ann Buechel Haack
You will be missed
Lisa Zink
In honor of my Uncle Eugene Schlecht who passed away on October 1, 2024. The Stars and Stripes Honor Flight program was very important and dear to him. Uncle Gene was a wonderful and kind man who we will miss dearly.
Michael and Debra Riess
Schlecht, Eugene "Geno"
In honor of Geno Schlecht
Geno Schlecht family and friends
I’m honor of Eugene "Geno" Schlecht. Korean Veteran, Honor Flight September 2013.
Family and friends of Eugene "Geno" Schlecht
Schmidt, Edward
In memory of Mr. Edward Schmidt.
Lynette Kocialski
Schmitz, Fred
To Dad with great love--thank you for all you do.
Peter, Julie, & Carrie
Schoeve, Neil
Rest in peace
Margaret & Tim Schoewe
May God protect our Troops.
Chris Tillman
Schuldt, Dale
In memory of a wonderful man and a life well lived.
Heather & Chad Hermsdorf
In loving memory
The Key Fanily
Dale was a wonderful man. Always willing to help family, friends, and community. He will be missed dearly.
The Chris Miller Family
In honor of Dale, who served with honor in Vietnam and worked tirelessly for veterans throughout his lifetime. It was truly special to welcome him and other vets home after his honor flight. Thank you for your dedication and service to this country. You will be truly missed!
Doug, Laurie, Jake, Alex, Casey and Brooke Miller
We want to honor the memory of Dale Schuldt. He was a friend through our church and was always willing to help out with anything anyone needed. He was a proud Vietnam veteran and was able to participate in the Honor Flight program. With his passing, he has left a wonderful legacy behind with both his family and with his dedication to veterans, and we wanted to honor that with this donation.
Dennis & Sheila Dettmann
In memory of Dale Schuldt ❤️??
Brett, Abbey & Blair Sheldon
Remembering you and may you rest in peace.
Palleon Family
In memory of Dale Schuldt. May he rest in peace.
Kevin and Linda Fixel
In memory of Dale Schuldt. An awesome man who was taken too soon. RIP Dale ❤️
Jack and Cindy Greco
In your memory, Dale
The Petrich Family
Though he is no longer with us, his memory lives on in the hearts of his family, friends, and fellow soldiers.
May his soul rest in peace, and may we strive to live up to the example he set.
Iowa/ Nebraska team
Dale was a Sergeant in the US Army and bravely served in the Vietnam War from May ’68 until May of ’69. He was an active member of the VFW and the American Legion, and had the opportunity to participate in a Stars and Stripes Honor Flight. Dale was very involved at his church, and was always ready to help other people with his carpentry skills. Dale will be missed by many people.
The Gardebrecht Family
In loving memory of Dale Schuldt. You will be missed!
Andee Valeri
In honor of a great veteran who always treated our family like his own. Rest in peace Dale. We loved you so very much!
Mika/Strelow Family
We are grateful for Dale’s service and that he was able to participate in an Honor Flight in 2018. Sending our sympathy to Dale’s family.
Thomas and Denise Shircel & Family
Schuldt, Dale J
Dale was a proud Vietnam veteran who was awarded the Bronze Star Medal for his heroic efforts during ground combat in 1969. We were honored to welcome him home from his Stars and Stripes Honor Flight in 2018. An experience we will never forget.
Dale found eternal peace on November 7, 2024. He will be missed by his community, his family and many friends.
Jim & Cindy Preller
Seeger, Arthur
In memory of Arthur “Art” S. Seeger
Kyle and Christine Oppenheimer
Thank you for your service.
Village of Germantown
Smith, Donald
This donation is in memory of Donald William Smith.
Geraldine S Forster sister
Smith, Donald W.
In honor and memory of Donald W. Smith
Diane Swenson, friend of Shelley Kaufman
In memory of Don Smith. May he rest in peace.
Linda and Paul Skalecki
Stripes, Stars
Thank you to the Stars and Stripes Honor Flight organization - I was on the 78th Flight ( Alpha ) on November 2, 2024 with my son who is also a veteran. I would like to recognize all the staff/volunteers and sponsors who make this such an honorable experience for me and so many other veterans.
Don and Darrell Howard
Terwall, Jim
In honor of Jim Terwall and all he means to his family, friends, and country. He is a quiet but steadfast inspiration of faith, generosity, humility, and service to others. It is with great love and gratitude we help support the Wisconsin Stars and Stripes Honor Flight, of which Jim participated in and thinks so highly of.
The Koons Family
Toll, Norman
In honor of our friend Norm.
Mike and Colleen Schmidt
Turner, Eugene
In honor of Eugene Turner, who served in Vietnam.
Jan Shane
"America without her soldiers would be like God without His angels." -Claudia Pemberton.
Kris & Troy Engstrom
Rest in peace.
The Stephany Family
In honor of Eugene Turner
Lisa, Joel & Allysa Klahn
In loving memory of Eugene D. Turner. US Army, served his country in Vietnam.
Loving son,husband,father,
grandfather and to everyone he knew.
John & Mary (mertzig) Wilson
Turner, Eugene D.
We recognize and appreciate his Service so many years ago. His sacrifice then still remains meaningful today. Thank you Gene for your patriotic support keeping our Nation great.
Clay and Lissa Eggie
You were a presence here on Earth and a person that everyone who knew you will forever fondly remember with a smile, a kind word, a funny story. Your family will stay strong, as you taught them how to be that way. You shall be missed.
Your friends at Glacier Hills Credit Union
Turner, Gene
For a wonderful Vietnam veteran, an amazing husband and father and an upstanding citizen of West Bend and Barton, WI. Thank you for your service, sir!
Jennifer Martin / The Soul Source, LLC
Thank you for your service.
RSB and AIMS Family
I fondly remember the many years of working in the structures lab and many miles carpooling. Gene was truly a great person.
The Reinartz family
Vellekoop, Laurens
In honor of Laurens Vellekoop. He has given selflessly to his family, friends, and country, and he remains a tremendous example of kindness, honor, and service to others. With love and gratitude, we give this gift in recognition of our beloved ’Dutch’.
The Koons Family
Veterans, All
Thank you to all veterans that have served our country and their families that have given their men/women to protect our freedoms!
Ryan Rispalje
Wallis, Jack
In honor of Jack Wallis, husband of Shirley Wallis, Kenosha, WI
Ron and Karen Foster
Wallis, Shirley
In loving memory!
The Bolyard’s
In memory of Aunt Shirley. Love you always ❤️
Scott and Chris Wallis
In honor of my loving Aunt
Mark & Kay Wallis
Walls, Homer
Father and WWII Veteran
Steve & Chris Kronsnoble
Watermolen, Dennis
In honor of our favorite veteran and true patriot! We love you!
The Hudock Family
Wensink, Melvin
In loving memory of Melvin Wensink’s service and dedication to our country.
The Berndt Family
Wenzel, Alan
Al was one of the few remaining Pearl Harbor veterans. At this point in time, the trouble with being one of the few is that they keep getting fewer.
Mark Chenoweth
Wenzel, Albert
In honor of Albert Wenzel
Jeff & Joan Keller
Wenzel, Allen
In memory of
The Quigley Family
Wenzel, Pam
In honor of the life of Pamela Wenzel
The Husting Family
Wenzel, Pamela
For all your years of service, love of country, and support of veterans, your example left an impression on all of us. We will always remember how you touched all of our lives. You will not be forgotten.
The Family of Jim Wisemiller
Weyek, James
In memory of a husband/father who had the opportunity to attend the Stars and Stripes honor flight in 2017 at the age of 85. He was so touched and impressed by your organization and it was a memory he carried with him the rest of his life as well as his entire family. He proudly wore his jacket and hat from that very special day. Husband/Dad passed this year and we would like to honor him by donating to such an important organization.
Loving Family
Wichtoski, James
For an amazing veteran and Sheriff in Washington County, WI, and for a loving father/grandfather, husband, brother and friend. Thank you for your service, sir!
Jennifer Martin / The Soul Source, LLC
Willkomm, Frances Ann “Penny”
This donation is in the honor of Penny Willkomm. Penny is the wife of John Willkomm who has served our country.
The Heuser family
Wojciechowski, Hank
To the memory of a good soldier, cousin and friend.
Dick & Myrna Ziegler
Wojciechowski, Henry
In honor of Henry (Hank) Wojciechowski, US Army, 101st Airborne Division Delta Raiders in Vietnam, 1969-1971. Honor Flight in April 2019. Passed to eternal life Nov. 7, 2024.
James Roslawski
In honor of Henry (Hank) Wojciechowski. He served in the US Army with the 101st Airborne Division Delta Raiders in Vietnam, 1969-1971. Hank went on an Honor Flight in April 2019. Hank passed into eternal life on Nov. 7, 2024.
Margaret Roslawski
Yelle, Robert
In memory of Robert Yelle
Kathy & Barrie Kletscher
In memory of Robert Yelle, Sussex, WI
Mark & Kathy Budde & family
Thank you for your service. God Bless
Ken and Kris Trapino
Today, we salute you, Bob. You have fought the good fight, completed the journey, and left an indelible mark on our hearts. Thank you for your service, your friendship, and the honor of sharing in your memories. We will carry them forward, forever grateful for your life and sacrifice.
The Courtyard at Sussex
Yelle, Robert "Big Bad Bob"
In loving memory of Bob!
DuWayne and Lisa Bohrer
Zemel, Randy
Thank you for being the amazing father and veteran you are. Thank you for bravely serving our country in the Vietnam War. You continue to support veterans through SSHF. I’m so blessed to be your daughter. I love you so much! You are my hero!
Your Loving Daughter
Zinke, Michael
The Honor Flight was a highlight of my husband’s life. He spoke of it often and encouraged many veterans to make the trip. He would love to know that his memorial donation assisted others to have the experience. He was the best and we miss him every day
Shar, Kelsey, and Denise
Zinke, Michael L.
In honor of Michael L. Zinke’s (Burlington WI) service to our country in the United States Navy, we would like to provide a donation to offer other veterans the opportunity to go on the Stars and Stripes Honor Flight. Mike and one of his daughters were fortunate to attend, and Mike recommended that any who were able to embark on this trip of remembrance do so, as it was a once in a lifetime experience. God bless Mike for his dedication to family and country. You’d never meet a better guy. Press on, soldier. You’ve left a lasting legacy.
Sue and Gary Boeck
In memory of a Vietnam veteran, devoted father, and husband.
Denise Prochniak and The Bookclubbers